Data Governance
and Compliance

In the digital era, data is not just an asset but the backbone of business innovation, strategic decisions, and operational efficiency. However, as the digital landscape evolves, so does the complexity of managing, securing, and leveraging this invaluable asset.

Our Vision

Our vision at HEMOdata is to transform your data governance and compliance challenges into strategic advantages. We aim to ensure that your organization not only meets regulatory requirements but also harnesses data to drive decision-making, foster innovation, and maintain competitive edge.

Our methodology

Our approach to data governance and compliance is comprehensive, proactive, and tailored to the unique needs of your organization. We begin with a deep dive into your current data landscape, evaluating existing policies, systems, and processes against best practices and regulatory requirements, such as DCAM, CDMC, DAMA and NDMO. Our methodology encompasses:

  • Assessment and Gap Analysis: Identifying discrepancies between your current data practices and industry standards.
  • Strategic Planning: Crafting a bespoke data governance framework that aligns with your business objectives and compliance needs.
  • Implementation and Execution: Deploying robust data governance structures, processes, and technologies.
  • Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Establishing metrics and mechanisms for ongoing review, ensuring adaptability and continuous compliance.

What we offer

Data Protection and Privacy

Ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data, while complying with PDPL, GDPR, CCPA, HIPPA and other regulatory standards.

Data Quality Management

Implementing mechanisms to maintain, monitor, and improve data quality.

Risk Management

Identifying, assessing, and mitigating data-related risks.

Data Lifecycle Management

Establishing policies for data creation, storage, usage, archiving, and deletion.

Training and Awareness

Equipping your team with the knowledge and tools to manage and protect data effectively.

Ensuring actionable and valuable derivatives

Compliance with Ease

Navigate the complex regulatory landscape confidently, with our expert guidance

Risk Mitigation

Reduce the likelihood and impact of data breaches and other risks.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline data management processes for improved efficiency and cost savings.

Commitment to actionable and strategic outcomes

Our commitment to you extends beyond compliance. We are dedicated to transforming your data governance framework into a dynamic asset that facilitates strategic decision-making and sustainable growth. We ensure that the solutions we implement are not only compliant but also practical, actionable, and aligned with your long-term business objectives.

Success Story

HEMOdata have been instrumental in supporting our journey to define our data technology stack and strategy. We now have a lot more trust in our data, we have a well-structured tech stack that is used across business functions, and we have clear processes and procedures in place.

HEMOdata has supported Intigral with our NDMO compliance plan, customer data technology stack and our processes and procedures documentation. HEMOdata have been a pivotal extension of our team and will continue to support our journey.

Bill Sharp, VP Technology, Intigral